Weekend trip to Dadeldhura
Dadeldhura is a four hour bus or mini-van drive away from Dhangadhi and lays picturesque in the middle hills of Farwest Nepal. It is still hard to find information on the internet – but this should not hold you back to discover this inspiring place in the hilly area of Far west Nepal!

With a small backpack, carrying water and some snacks, you are all set for a reviving hike – for example down to Ajaymerukot, a “mystical place” as even the locals call it. From the very top and south end of Dadeldhura, you find a large and flat plateau where the trek starts into the valley to the north. Natural beauty will surround you for the next hours, starting in a high pine forest merging into a broadleaf and verdant vegetation and finally into golden brown banking. Crossing the suspension bridge down in the valley will let your heart beat higher and lead you to the small settlement Ajaymerukot – or to further hikes in the surrounding hills.
(all photos and article source: farwestnepal.org)
(all photos and article source: farwestnepal.org)