Raute : Nomads of western Nepal (Photo feature)

Raute People Raute are the nomadic Tibeto-Burman ethnic group officially recognized by the Government of Nepal . They are known for subsistence hunting of langur and macaque monkeys. They eat monkey meat. They gather wild forest tubers , fruits, and greens on a regular basis. To obtain grain, iron, cloth, and jewelry, they carve wooden bowls and boxes to trade for goods from local farmers. They do not sell other forest products, bushmeat , or forest medicinal plants. Their population is estimated at about 650 persons living in small settlements in the Karnali and Makahali (Kali) watershed regions of western Nepal. Most have been forcibly settled by the government of Nepal but there are about 150 nomadic Raute. Head of the community is known as 'Mukhiya'. Mukhiya has all power related to community. They change there placement or they leave ther...